in the City Cemetery - During the week ending yesterday, the 9th isnt:
Sept. 5th, Infant of Jacob Kohl
Sept. 6th, Infant of D. C. Bezant
Sept. 7th, J. L. Beers, 14 months
Sept. 7th, Chauncy Cummings of Co E
24th Ill. vol's, supposed age 36 years
Sept. 8th, A. L. Summerville, 36
Sept. 9th, Christinana Wehrheim
A. A. Briggs, Sexton.
Woodward-Hildibrand - In this city, at the residence of the bride's parents,
Nov. 2nd, by Rev. G. F. Beach, Mr. W. I. Woodward to Miss Anna Hildibrand,
all of this place.
Morton-Cunningham - In Remyne Prairie, on Tuesday,
Oct. 25th, by Rev. M. Harshaw, Mr. J. B. Morton to Mrs. Jerusha Cunningham.
Elrod - In this city, Oct 15th, 1864, James Weston, son of S. R.
and Lois W. Elrod, aged 1 year, 8 months and 10 days.
In this city, Tuesday A. M., Jan. 17, 1865, William Humphrey, son of F. and
Elizabeth Humphrey, aged 23 years.
April 6th, 1865, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. Samuel Walker,
Mr. Henry S. Hass, of Washington county, to Mrs. Emeline W. McClellan, of
Nashville Journal please copy.
In this city,
April 13th, Kerry A. Elson, aged 1 year, 5 months, and 13 days.
In Centralia, March 29th, Florence C. Musselman, aged 4 years, 1 month and
16 days.
Centralia, Sept. 11, 1866
Mr. Editor: - The following named comprise
all that have been interred in the City Cemetery as cholera cases from
Positive and conflicting reports, so it is possible some may be incorrect.
August 12 - D. H Fitzhugh
Sept. 4 - Mary Clatlin
Sept. 6 - Wm. Gunt,
G. Seiglinger
Sept. 7 - Andrew Lemineri, John Smith, Peter Eaton, Mich.
Gleason, Mary Cheney, Johnathan Thurston, Joseph Zingg, J. R. Heller
Sept. 8 - Robt. Woodside, Lourie S___, Charles H. Bowers
Sept. 9 -
Christian Greimann, Mich. Griswold
Sept. 10 - Sarah S. Gibson, Samuel
Sept. 11 - Geo. F. Bergmann, a colored man from Station House.
A. A. BRIGGS, City Sexton
In this city on Friday, June 9th, 1865, Jane Sanderson, Wife of Robert
Green, aged 25 years.
At the Residence of M. P. Hester in Centralia, Ill., Sept 6, by Rev. T. O.
Spenser, Mr. Mark Young and Miss Julia Hester.
In this city,
on Friday, Sep. 1st, 1865, Willie Epwin, infant son of H. M. McKsonger, aged
1 year and 5 months.
Information wanted of Mary Ann Dethrow, wife of the undersigned,
and his three children, consisting of Mary Ann, in her 15th year, crippled
in her left hand, from a burn in her infancy; Thomas J. Dethrow, about ten
years old, with a scar on his nose, caused by the bite of a dog, and Susan
Elizabeth, about eight years old.
The undersigned became separated
from his family about the 1st of August last, by being captured by the
Guerrillas, three miles below Helena, Ark., and after an absence of two
months returned and found his family gone, and that he had been reported to
them as dead, and learned that they had obtained transportation to Cairo, in
company with a man by the name of Tapp, and a widow woman and family called
Any information that will restore my family will be
thankfully received and liberally rewarded.
ELI S. DETHROW, Macon, Macon
Co., Ill.
At Kinmumndy on the 27th ult., by Tilman Razer. Esq., Mr. Lorenzo D. Allman
to Mrs. Mary E. Williams, all of Kinmundy.
December 16th,
1865, at the residence of her widowed mother, near New Middleton, Illinois,
Terissa A. Creed, aged 17 years, 10 months and 20 days.
In St. Louis, Saturday, March 10, by the Rev. J. H. Brookes, Mr. J. O.
Daniels to Miss Julia H. Nowland, daughter of L. Nowland, of Sandoval,
In this city, on Saturday, April 14, 1866, Elisa
Emilie Landes, daughter of D. G. and S. Landes, aged six months and 18 days.
30 Jul 1880
"A young man named Joseph STATES, residing in the
north part of Centralia, Ill., who was married over nineteen days since, was
shot dead in his yard by some unknown person. There is no clue to the
murderer. The dreadful deed is supposed to have been committed by some of
his previous rivals in the suit for the hand of his bride. Some suppose it
to be a case of suicide, caused by the fact that he was destitute of funds.
He was shot through the heart. His wife went out and found him just dying."
Joseph was my ggg grand uncle. He was the son of John Hazel States and
Rosanna Gibson. The wife mentioned in the article was Nellie Ball. They were
married in July 1880 just before he was murdered. I don't know what happened
to Nellie after Joseph's death.
Submitted by Wendy White
August 20, 1880
Nativity, age arid politics of the Grand Jury at
the August term of the Circuit Court, 1880:
S. ANDREWS, Ill., 55,
Republican Jno. YOUNG, Ill., 58, Democrat
Wm. M. RAY, Ca., 51, Democrat
N.M. CHAMPLIN, N.Y., 31, Democrat
H.F. KELCHNER, Pa,, 52, Greenback
L.H. KAGY, Oh., 48, Democrat
Jno. A. PHILLIPS, Oh., 49, Democrat
ROBB, Ill., 51, Democrat
J.W. FYKE, Ill., 46, Democrat
Ill., 30, Democrat
R.W. BUECHER, Oh., 40, Greenback
Jno. GASTON, Ill.,
37, Democrat
Noah CRUSE, Ill., 4l, Democrat
D.W. HOLSTLAW, Ill., 32,
J.E. WILKERSON, Ky., 32, Democrat
Jno. H. GRAY, Ill, 4l, Democrat
C. VAIL,____, 4O, Republican
Thomas MIDDLETON, Ill., 37, Democrat
J.B. HANNA 43, Democrat
SNELLING, Maine, 59, Republican
A.J. CHANCE, Ill., 32, Democrat
COLE, Ark., 44 Greenback
Britton SMITH, Bailiff, N.C., 68, Democrat
SUBMITTED BY: Misty Flannigan
1907 Nov 15
Local Items
Roy Belcher has returned from the north.
Prayer Meeting
every Thursday evening at M. E. church.
Our Postmaster F. J. Cooper made
a business trip to Vandalia Wednesday morning.
Everyone that has an extra
dollar has a gun on his shoulder looking for quails this week.
Holland came Friday noon, for a visit with his father and mother N. W.
For Sale – No. 18 Hot Blast Coal Heating stove. Good as new. J.
L. Altom.
R. O. Kelly is very brave as well as accommodating to sleep
near the Post Office since the robbery there.
Bro. Mitchel of Vandalia is
conducting a series of meeting in R. A. Simcox's hall. Began Tuesday
As our peddling wagon has quit for this year, all persons who
owe us accounts will please call at store and settle same. John L. Simcox.
We don't want our readers and friends to loose sight of the fact that we
want the news. Come in and tell us anything you may know of interest. If you
can correspond for us, just drop us a card or come in and stationery will be
Read Altom's big ad in this paper.
For Sale – Some fine
shoats. Doug Gray.
Mr. R. Wilton is spending his week in the country with
his daughter Mrs. E. M. Outhouse.
Dr. J. T. Jones and wife, of Salem were
the guests of the farmer's father at Vernon Saturday.
J. W. Johnson who
has been sick for some time is reported to be in a critical condition at
this writing.
J. A. Johnson of Clinton, Ill., is here at the bedside of
his father J. W. Johnson, who is not expected to live.
Go to Louis
Wasem's for new home rendered lard, pork, sausage and new family mince meat
12-1/2 cents per lb.
Willard and Wendling from Centralia arrived Monday
morning to their work, on J. E. Wasem's residence.
Elmer White of Decatur
who spent Sunday and Monday at the Okaw, returned Tuesday morning at 10 a.
Walter Murfin spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks, from St.
Louis where he is attending Medical school.
Miss Leah Shimp who has been
keeping-house for Mrs. I. H. Wilton has now gone home, she has been on the
sick list this week.
Miss Anna Alexander entertained a crowd of her girl
friends Sunday. Those present were, Misses Leah Shimp, Lela Church, Lillian
Vail and Blanche Wilton.
Misses Allie Griffin, Nina Murfin and Elliott
Caldwell spent Sunday with Floyd Davis who spent Sunday at home from
Centralia, where he is attending school.
Mrs. Ella Griffin was on the
sick list this week.
The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Leah Delassus
yesterday (Thursday) afternoon.
Clark Blankinship has been confined to
the house this week, with a bad case of poison.
Ladies' Aid Society of
the Christian church met with Mrs. Vail Wednesday afternoon.
Fine cooking
apples 50 to 75 cts per bushel this week and next week only. Louie Wasem.
Mrs. M. L. Jones was called to Salem, Thursday by the illness of her
daughter-in-law Mrs. Eli. Jones.
Mrs. Harbin Chandler and son Owen
returned Monday from St. Louis where they have been visiting.
A. H.
Kelleker transacted business in Vandalia today (Thursday).
Emmet Kelleker
went to Decatur (Thursday) where he has accepted a position in a trading
Alfred Thalman and daughter of Madison, Co. is visiting Ed
Thalman sr., and other relatives at this place.
Mrs. Hite of Salem, state
delegate from Illinois, is attending the National W. C. T. U. convention at
Nashville, Tenn.
R. A. Simcox has just in a hollow-wire lighting system
at his store. It is a daisy. C. N. Cruse, the local agent installed the
If you want the best lights for your business house or residence,
put in the hollow-wire gasoline lighting system. C N. Cruse, local agent.
A. C. Willy and son Donald of DuQuoin, Ill., who were visiting the former's
brother-in-laws, J. S. Hudspeth and Lowell Wilson and hunting in these parts
returned home today (Thursday). They had one of the greatest times of their
life while here.
Joe M. Roberts who formerly lived in this vicinity, but
now makes his home in Logan county husked 1933 bushels of corn in seventeen
days. This record surpasses any yet known in that county and Mr. Roberts
should be proud of his ability in this work.
I. H. Wilton the hustler,
assisted Porter & Simcox in a lot sale at Grayville the first of the week,
returned home Thursday. A message was awaiting him, on his return calling
him to DuQuoiin.
Toad Island
Mr. Ballard and a crowd of men and
boys went coon hunting the other night and treed a coon, one of the boys
went up the tree after Mr. Coon, but coony jumped and was too quick fo the
dogs made good his escape. The boys say it was the biggest coon in the
Dr. Murfin is tiling his bottom land.
Nattier Bros. broke their
shredder Saturday, and had to send to the factory for repairs.
E. T.
Walker and wife, spent Sunday with H. Walker and family.
R.F.D. No. 1
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Martin who has been afflicted for some
time was taken to St. Louis last week and placed under the care of a
specialist who is supposed to be one of the best physicians in St. Louis.
Mrs. Martin stayed with her daughter in St. Louis and Wesley returned home
Sunday. Later Mrs. Martin reports the girl much improved.
The farmers are
very busy now, taking advantage of the nice weather, getting up their winter
wood and having it sawed by Nattier Bros. They are also getting in their
By the way Martiga Lee does not forget to fix any little washes or
chuck holes that comes in his mile of the public road. Boys remember the old
adage "A stitch in time saves time," and let us help our ____ we can by
bettering the road. Keep in mind his job lasts from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.
White Haven.
Farmers are busy gathering corn.
A number are
beginning to dress their poultry, and Newton Reichert and George Christie
are the champion goose pickers.
Joe Hampy is moving on the Millner farm.
William Oates is getting along fine with his new house.
The Baptist
preacher started protracted meeting at Bear Creek last Saturday night.
Robert Norris and family spent Sunday with J. Y. Blechers at the Chapel.
Flora Cox has been staying at Vernon with her aunt the last two weeks.
Floyd Hatch is still improving.
$43.00 was made at the pie supper at
Stringtown last Saturday night.
J. T. Christie is building a new barn.
The American Socieety of Equity has a meeting at the White Haven school
house next Tuesday night.
Iula Norris spent Saturday in Vandalia.
number of shots are being fired at the quails at this writing.
Ideal weather at present, health generally good and everybody very busy.
Mrs. Frank Murfin was shopping in Vandalia Thursday.
Married at Vandalia
last Thursday Martain Greider to Miss May Meador. We wish them a happy
journey through life together.
George W. Payne who has been visiting his
sister Mrs. E. M. Cox of Rialto, Cal., has returned and reports them well,
and doing well and feels himself greatly improved by the trip.
G. E.
Norris is building a new residence which will be completed soon.
Blankinship and family Sundayed with uncle John McConnell of Vernon.
Miller is here from Blooming, Ills., where he has been for some time at work
as street car conductor. He will accompany our mimrods for a few days and
then move his family to Bloomington, Ill. We regret this change very much as
John was a hustling citizen.
Mrs. J. A. Babbitt who has been sick for
some few days is recovering slowly.
R. H. Tarvin and family spent Sunday
visiting with George Blankinship and family of Shobonier.
J. H. Radcliffe
who is Traveling Salesman for a Decatur confectionery spent Sunday and
Monday with his family here.
F. E. White is conducting a new Meat Market
on 2nd and Maple Ave., in the Bionion property.
The I. C. R. R. has about
one hundred men at work here putting down the new steel rails which is a
much needed improvement.
Bro. Cox our pastor filled his regular
appointment at Arnold Chaple Sunday.
William Lawrence is seen very often
rusticating in the county. "That is right Will," country air is pure and
Quite a number of our young folks attended a pie supper at
Stringtown last Saturday eveing. They report a pleasant time.
I. H.
Wilton of Patoka was transacting business here Saturday.
Arthur Wilson
who is teaching this winter at Vera Ills., was down Saturday and Sunday
visiting home and friends.
Earl Collins was transacting
business in Centralia last Saturday evening.
Edward Anderson and son
Merel was in Vandalia last Sunday.
Miss Edna Albert spent Sunday with her
___ her school at Ramsey on the morning train.
Mrs. Wm. Ehlers and
daughter, Orpha, was in Vandalia last Saturday.
Gottfried Metzger, the
Augsburg merchant, transacted business here Monday evening.
Willett, teacher at Tonti, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.
Messrs. J. W. Oats and Jake Libell are doing carpenter work near Vernon, for
Wm. Oats, Jr.
Misses Mary Metzger and Mary Telger of Vandalia spent
Sunday with relatives here.
Mrs. Lillie Benefiel is visiting friends and
relatives at Patoka this week.
Rouse & Co. are hulling clover for W. A.
Foucht north of town.
Master Edgar Good, who is attending school at
Vandalia visited over Sunday with home folks.
The young people gave an
old-fashioned serenade to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Albert last Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wilson of Patoka spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Married Nov. 11, 1907 at 3 p. m. at the bride's home by Monroe
Lape, J. P., Adam Thoman to Miss Cora Cooper, both of Wilberton township.
S. E. Robinson is having a new granotid walk laid in front of his house.
Mrs. Geo. J. Metzger spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. Collins, in
B. F. Vanderhoff of Vandalia was transacting business here
Chas. Arnold of Patoka was in this burg last Wednesday evening.
Prof. E. Gutzler of the Augsburg Lutheran school is transacting business in
Bloomington this week.
John H. Boye of the St. Paul stores is now seeing
the sights in and near San Antonia, Tex.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent
Sunday evening with John Busenhart and family.
A large number from our
Sunday schools attended the Fayette county Sunday school convention in
Vandalia last week.
Messrs. J. D. Mitchell, Jas. M. Lawrence and C. F.
Smith attended I. O. O. F. lodge at Vernon last Thursday night.
Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sassee and daughter, Rachel, spent last Sunday with Mrs. and H. J.
Mrs. Florence Marshall of Carmi, Ill., and Miss Lillian
Henninger of Hagarstown spent last week with their sister Mrs. G. J.
John Miller, formerly of this place but now a street care
conductor in Bloomington, spent Sunday with his parents at this place.
Miss Orpha Ehlers, who is teaching near Hanson, came down Friday night,
remaining till Sunday with home folks at this place.
Xelpho Holland of
Patoka is acting as agent for the I. C. R. R. during a two weeks rest of the
regular agent, J. C. Loyd.
Miss Eva Traughtder came down from Assumption
Sunday moring to spend a week visiting with her brother Thos. Traughtder.
Conductor Jas. A. Riley of the I. C. is visiting with home folks here a
couple of weeks and of course he may see somebody else's folks.
The large
force of Italians, who have been at work here for the Illinois Central, have
moved to Vernon so as to keep up their work. This is the force that lays the
large steel rails. They average about one half mile per day, of changing the
light steel away and placing the new heavy steel rails. A force of fifty
Greeks are helping the regular section forces in working the road bed. We
are told the I. C. people are spending about $5000.00 per mile in improving
their property through this section of the country.
Wm. Klingey, who last
week sold out his general merchandise store including the property to J. H.
Metzger & Son is now engaged in __ing logs and lumber for his farm southwest
of town. He has purchased some fine blooded Berkshire hogs and intends to
make a specialty of this line of stock raising. Mr. Klingey has many friends
that are very sorry to see him retire from his former business put on
account of his health he was compelled to do so.
A large number of our
young people attended a pie supper given at the Stringtown school house for
the benefit of their school The supper was a grand success and netted the
school $45.00. The pies sold, averaged over $1.00 each, one selling for
$5.50 and another $4.50. Miss Gertrude Willett was voted the most popular
lady and received a present as did Miss Myrtle Emerson, whose pie brought
the largest sum. Their teacher, L. Brown is deserving of a large amount of
praise for his management.
Married at Augsburg German Lutheran church at
3 p. m. last Sunday Nov. 10, '07, Rev. E. Genter officiating, Fred Peterson
to Miss Mary Metzger. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Peterson,
one mile north of town and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Metzger, three miles east. Both are highly respected young people and have a
host of relatives and friends who wish them a happy and prosperous journey
through life. A reception was held at the bride's home where a large number
of friends and relatives were present. As to the future of the young couple
we understand they will reside with the groom's parents north of town.
Corn picking is in full blast.
Miss Myers of Nerde is
visiting her uncle, Henry Wiensman, this week.
Our friend D. N. Smith has
gone into the cattle business right.
Miss Fannie Bates of Patoka was in
these parts Wednesday visiting.
Joe Hull has caught thirty-eight muskrats
and one opossum, already on the raging North Fork. Joe is a clipper for a
thirteen year old boy.
W. D. Hull has been helping L. S. Armstrong this
week on his corn crib.
C. W. Martin went to Vernon Wednesday evening to
meet his wife and daughter, who have been to the hospital in St. Louis.
Joe Bates has been fixing some bad mud holes in the road this week. He says
there was some danger of losing the mail wagon.
Jasper Finch is picking
corn for Clint Livesay, who has a sprained arm.
Mrs. O. Walton visited
Mrs. W. H. Cooper one day this week.
Our school is progressing nicely.
Miss Barrette, our teacher, seems to be a good one.
Loran Armstrong is
building a new corn crib.
Hunters are plentiful after festive quail. Be
careful boys, men and teams are in the field.
C. W. Martin contemplates
enlarging his barn. He is waiting for a carpenter at present.
We see that
Wm. Rogiers has material out for his new barn.
Alex Massy wishes someone
would tell him how to fatten geese.
We learn that Mr. Cozad, the school
teacher, is quite an artist on the violin.
East of Town
generally good with the exception of bad colds.
Farmers are busy getting
their corn out.
Wm. Rogier is building a new barn.
R. L. Walton made a
business trip to Vandalia last Saturday.
Arrived on Nov. 11 at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coldwell a boy baby.
Our school is getting along fine
with Miss Nellie Gray as teacher.
Thos. Anderson and wife visited Dick
Murfin and wife of Vernon last Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Oran and family visited in
our vicinity last Sunday with Lafe Barrett and wife. Latter being the proud
parents of a 13 lb boy.
Anderson Foster has been afflicted with a sore
eye. He thinks he has whooping cough.
D. H. Armstrong and wife were in
Vandalia last Saturday doing some trading.
We learn that Chance School
District by some means lost their keys on Hallowe'en eve. Their can be
obtained by calling on J. R. Nichols, and said parties giving account of
Eli W. Jones sold his farm to Henry Oglesby for $45 per
Ike Thomas sold his farm on East For_. He purchased where Henry
Oglesby now lives.
A. L. Irvin sold his farm for $60 per acre.
Mrs. A.
L. Irvin has been to Loogootee for the past week with her sister Mrs. Morton
who is very low with consumption.
D. F. Nichols has a sale tomorrow Nov.
16 of his personal property and farm implements. After which he expects to
locate in Texas. We wish him prosperity and as good success in the South as
he has had in Old Foster Township.
School Report
Showing Grades
Made by Each Pupil in the Patoka Schools During the Last Month
First Year
– Room One –B
Beatrice Thalman, Clara Goben, Harry Ashton, Bertha
Belcher, Ella Nora Buss, Maggie Hathaway, Freddie Miller, Edna Wadkins,
Lester Hathaway, Effie Walker, Kennedy Simcox, Evelyn Peek, Ralph Simcox,
Dorsey Hudspeth, Arthur Huntoon, Wilma Delassus, Carl Pressley
First Year
– Room One – A
Ruth Quayle, Amy Douthitt, Myrtle Chilton, Edna Lawler,
Wesley Grapp, Mabel Friend, Jacob Wasem, Ethel Belcher, Lenny Hathaway,
Clarence DeVillers, Lamon Gray, Ira Dunn, Neil Walker, Merritt Eagan,
Fielding Adams, Hubert Gray, Lela Walker, John Houston, Louis Wasem, Warren
Arnold, Earl Garhard
Second Year – Room One
Johnie Nichols, Helen
Chandler, Opal Farmer, Joseph Carter, Ruth Smith, Charles Brown, Neva Wiley,
Mary Brown, Nora Belcher, Ludy Pugh, Ruth Holland, May Eagan, Claud Walker,
Delphia Good, Viola Thalman, Hazel Barrette
Grammar Grade – Seventh Year
Ruby Cruse, Rosa Chandler, Maude Pugh, Mary Pritchet, Ruth Walker, Leo
Walker, Esther Farmer, Elsie Belcher, John Cahill, Lenora Pugh, Helen
Davidson, Eva Thalman, Eugene Gray
Grammar Grade – Eighth Year
Jones, Emmet Fowler, Etta Clark, Marvin Holland, Fred Wasem, Virgil Belcher,
Ray Irvin, Ella DeVillers, Minnie Belcher, Winnie Hull, Clara Belcher,
Mollie Belcher, Lettie Griffin, Georgia Cruse, Mildred Peek, Lima Wagstaff,
Leslie Wasem, Max Conrey
Senior Class
Prudence Belcher, Martha
Wheeler, Ada Griffin, Wm. Crawford, Austin Simcox, Nina Murfin, Pansy Parks,
Allie Griffin, Daisy Gray
Bernie Griffin, Darrel Cox, Flossie
Livesay, Katie Clark, Neil Davidson, Carrie Hostlar, Jessie Haley, Willie
Simcox, Binnie Chandler
Contributed 2020 Dec 01 by Norma Hass
Contributed by John
Contributed by John